Our Trustee Board

Welcome to the St John’s Common Room Trustee Board!

The Trustees oversee the governance of the SJCR and meet regularly throughout the year to discuss all manner of issues: finances, welfare, representation and much more.

The SJCR Trustee Board is made up of nine individuals, four of which are external and five of which are internal. Our external trustees are formally appointed via an application basis and are with us for a maximum of two terms of four years. Our internal trustees are four students and a sabbatical president (the five of them make up the body known as the Tier One Executive) – these positions are held for a year.


Internal Trustees

Emi (President)

Hiya everyone, my name is Emi (or Emily if you like to keep it formal) and I’m the SJCR President. Before that I’ve been very involved in the SJCR holding eight different roles from LGBTQ+ Rep to Food & Formals Officer, and if you ever want to talk SJCR with me, I’m always down. Beyond that I completed my Masters of Engineering last year and love reading, sweet treats, and playing badminton.

Rob (Vice-President MCR)


Jonathan (Vice-President Undergraduate)

Hi! I am a 3rd year History and International Relations students, and will be your Vice-President (Undergraduate) this year. I was previously the Sports and Societies Officer, and I am passionate about providing non-academic opportunities to SJCR members. When not helping run the SJCR, you will probably find me rowing or in the LRC.

Edwin (Vice-President CCR)


Oliver (Treasurer)

Hi! I’m Oliver, a 3rd Year Biosciences student and your current SJCR Treasurer. I started at St John’s in 2022 and the SJCR has played a huge part in my experience here so far. Last academic year I held the role of Academic Enrichment and Students’ Union Liaison where I played a large role in improving relations with the SU. I now look forward to continuing the work of previous Treasurers whilst also ensuring financial sustainability for the future.


External Trustees


Katie (Chair)

I was an English undergraduate at John’s from 2013 to 2016 and was involved in the SJCR as Freshers’ Week Coordinator in my final year. Since graduating I worked at a boarding school in Kent before moving to London and taking up my current position working for The Royal Household. In my spare time I am a First Aid volunteer and sing in the London Philharmonic Choir.




Susie Curtis has been an external trustee since 2019.  An ordained Anglican Priest, she spent five years as Chaplain at St John’s where she was ably assisted by Millie the Dog!

She has experience in working and managing volunteers, chairing meetings, connecting with local communities, pastoral support, mediation and conflict transformation. At present she is full time mum to two lively toddlers (occasionally she escapes to do some locum vicaring and theological training for the Derby Diocese) and knows far more about trains than she used to!


Hear about Katie's Experience as a Trustee:

I joined the SJCR Board of Trustees as an external trustee in April 2021 and was elected Chair in September 2022, and it’s been such a joy to continue to contribute to college life through this unique organisation. I was a student at John’s from 2013 to 2016 and had three wonderful years participating in all the best the SJCR had to offer – from participating in John’s Music Society, surviving long days and nights as a Frep, and even dabbling in FiComm. Sometimes I also went to a lecture or two. After graduating, I was keen to give back to the SJCR, and although I didn’t have any particular experience in charity governance, this has been a chance to put my other skills into action while supporting the internal trustees (executive committee) and guiding the charity’s strategic decision-making.

The SJCR board is unique in that 50% of its membership changes every year, so the external trustees play a particularly important role in providing guidance and insights from previous years. Every year has been unique, not just because of the particular circumstances of the time (although joining in the pandemic was certainly a challenge!), and it’s a real pleasure to see the internal trustees learn and grow over the course of the year. It’s also a great excuse to return to Durham regularly and catch up with old and new faces around college. Not to mention the level of commitment is very manageable alongside my day job, and has been a brilliant talking point on my CV.