Cranmer Common Room

Welcome to the Cranmer Common Room!

The Cranmer Common Room (CCR) is a subsidiary Common Room of the SJCR, comprising all those studying degrees as part of Cranmer Hall. These are mainly based around Theology, Ministry and Mission, and we have a large proportion of Cranmer Hall students who go on to be ordained in the Church of England. The CCR have their own Executive Body, Constitutional Documents, and a degree of autonomy in terms of their finances, but are still accountable to the SJCR. All members of the CCR are automatically members of the SJCR and are able to participate in all social events, sports and societies, access welfare support and can hold offices/positions within the SJCR.

For more information, please contact the CCR Vice President at

If you are a member of the CCR, we’d love to encourage you to join our CCR Facebook page to keep up to date with notices and events.

CCR Executive


President: Jessica Newlove

Contact: ccr.president [at]



Vice President: Ben Lacey

Contact: ccr.vicepresident [at]



Vice President (SJCR): Edwin Jermyn-Francis

Contact: johns.ccr.vp [at]


Treasurer: Pontus Brambe



Secretary: Claire Mead




Prayer Secretary: Phoebe Power




Chapel Warden: Kathleen Pullan




Welfare Rep: Laura Elworthy




Cranmer Undergraduate (CUG) Rep: TBC




Ordinands Association Rep: Rosie Straw




Free Church Track (FCT) Rep: Jenna Casey




Cranmer Hall Students and the SJCR

CCR members are automatically members of the SJCR, and are welcome to join in with all SJCR things! CCR members are not automatically added to the SJCR mailing lists, but that’s only to avoid overwhelm – to opt-in and find out about the fun, please email to be added to the College-wide mailing list.

FAQ from non-CCR members

  • Do I have to be religious to go to St John’s? Not at all! John’s comprises a theological college as part of its diverse student population. It often gets a reputation, therefore, for being the “religious” college. In reality, St. John’s welcome students from all faiths or none, and they are fully committed to inclusivity and promoting diversity.
  • Where can Cranmer Students be found?  Some of us live in college, some in other houses on the Bailey, and still others of us live out all across Durham. We have two physical Common Rooms and a study room at the bottom of 6 South Bailey which are exclusively for our use, so you can often find us hanging out there – and of course at meals in Haughton! You also might spot some of us in the bar, especially after a College Communion! Many Cranmer students also have families – so don’t be surprised if you run into a toddler in the corridor (maybe just check their parent(s) aren’t far away!).
  • How can I connect with Cranmer Students? We’re a friendly bunch, so feel free to just say hi!We also run a scheme across St. John’s called Uncommon Friends, specially designed to link students up with somebody from other Common Rooms. If you’d like to find out more, email or visit
  • Can I go to any of Cranmer Hall’s services? There are lots of services that happen in St. John’s, and everyone is welcome to any of them. In particular, College Communion in Leech Hall on a Tuesday evening at 7pm is designed to welcome all students of all common rooms. All college students are also welcome to attend daily Morning Prayer in the Chapel at 8:30am, Evensong on Wednesdays at 17:15, or Evening Prayer on Fridays at 17:15.