Welcome to St. John’s Common Room
St. John’s College was established in 1909 and is one of the two independent colleges of Durham University. We are the second smallest college of Durham, giving the student community a strong college family feeling. We are best known to other colleges for our fantastic cellar bar, characteristic winding corridors, and having the best catering in Durham. Centrally located, nowhere remotely interesting is outside of walking distance from the college grounds.
The Exec and SJCR Officers
Meet the various people who work together to run St. John’s Common Room.
From the President to the Freps, everyone has a part to play!
This Week and other SJCR Documents
View this week’s entry of This Week! Plus other documents
such as our constitution, archived minutes from past meetings, and other fun stuff!
The Welfare team in John’s exists to try and make your
time as a Johnian as happy, healthy and smooth running as possible!