The Common Room Directory contains all the names and emails of the people who work to improve your experience as part of the SJCR. The Directory is organised into categories, but if you are looking for a specific person, please Control + F and search for the job title of the officer you’re looking for. We are all super friendly and more than willing for you to get in touch with any queries at all.
SJCR Executive
President: Emi Martin
Job: Runs the Common Room (Sabbatical Officer). Member of Tier 1 and Internal Trustee
Contact: johns.president [at]
Elected at: Epiphany I
Treasurer: Oliver Davis
Job: Accountable for the financial activities of the SJCR. Created budgets, authorises spending and presents the accounts of the SJCR. Member of Tier 1 and Internal Trustee
Contact: johns.treasurer [at]
Elected at: Epiphany II
Vice President: Jonathan Savine
Job: Communicates with students and college staff, stands in for the President. Writes the College Panto. Member of Tier 1 and Internal Trustee.
Contact: johns.vp [at]
Elected at: Epiphany II
Vice President (CCR): Edwin Jermyn-Francis
Job: Represents the CCR to the SJCR and vice-versa. Member of Tier 1 and Internal Trustee.
Contact: johns.ccr.vp [at]
Elected at: Epiphany III
Vice President (MCR): Izzy Hubbert
Job: Represents the MCR to the SJCR and vice-versa. Member of Tier 1 and Internal Trustee.
Contact: johnsmcr.president [at]
Elected: Michaelmas II
Academic Enrichment and Student Union Liaison Officer (AESUL): Will Powell
Job: Liaises with the Durham Students’ Union and organises Academic Events within college e.g. Big Talks/Challenge Nights.
Contact: johns.dsu [at]
Elected at: Epiphany II
Communications Officer: Lucy Hunter
Job: Supervises and maintains the SJCR social media and noticeboards. Sends out college emails and advertises events. In charge of pigeonholes and the website. Minutes all meetings.
Contact: johns.comms [at]
Elected at: Epiphany II
Campaigns and Inclusivity Officer: Alana Brogan
Job: Organises welfare events and campaigns throughout the year to support students and raise awareness around certain issues e.g. Mental Health Awareness Week, ‘Stressless’ events in exam season, Black and LGBTQ+ History Month etc.
Contact: johns.campaigns [at]
Elected at: Epiphany II
Services Manager: Olivia Hann
Job: Oversees vending machines and washing machines. Arranges photographs. Orders stash and gowns.
Contact: [at]
Elected at: Epiphany II
Events Officer: Jennifer Ravenhall
Job: Organises social events such as Bailey Ball, John’s Day and Summer Ball. Oversees the Social Events Committee (SEC).
Contact: [at]
Elected at: Epiphany II
Sports and Societies Officer: Miles Balderson
Job: Organises John’s-Chad’s Day and the Epiphany Awards. Liaises with sports and societies captains.
Contact: johns.sportsoc [at]
Elected at: Epiphany II
Welfare Officer:
Job: Organises the Peer Support Team and Welfare Supplies.
Contact: johns.welfare [at]
Elected at: Epiphany II
Chair: Catie Mohan
Job: Chairs SJCR meetings, executive meetings and welfare representation committee meetings. Provides advice and interpretation of the SJCR Constitution.
Contact: johns.chair [at]
Elected at: Epiphany II
Freshers’ Week Coordinator: Alice Mansur and Izzy Bull
Job: Organise Freshers’ Week. Helps recruit and manages the Freshers’ Reps.
Contact: johns.freshers [at]
Elected at: Epiphany II
Governance Secretary:
Job: Responsible for the SJCR’s transition to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
Contact: sjcr [at]
Elected at: Epiphany II
Senior Bar Officer: Josie Harrison
Job: Runs the college bar and leads the bar team. Accountable to college.
Contact: johns.collegebar [at]
Non-Executive Officers
A full list of non-executive positions is in the SJCR’s Constitutional Documents, which can be found on the documents page. If you require contact details for any roles, please email johns.comms [at]