Ongoing Projects

The primary aim of the SJCR is to support all of our members during their time at St John’s. To do this we have both day-to-day provisions, as well as long-term projects. Our current projects are listed below, as well as the opportunity for you to give towards them. We are grateful for any time, talents or funds given to the SJCR. If you would like to offer your support, but do not see a project here that resonates with you, please get in touch using the form at the bottom of this page. We would love to discuss any potential projects with you!

– Emi, SJCR President


Upgrading the Welfare Room:

Creating a sensory-positive space for student well-being, social inclusion, and societies.

The welfare room is in a prime loaction, at the centre of Student Activity. However, this room is not being used to its full potential. Currently this wonderful space is often relegated to a storage room with its limited seating and lack of functional workspace. Further to this, the current storage provision is not fit for purpose. The open storage leaves the room feeling cluttered, and the lights are bright and cold. Overall, the Welfare room does not currently fulfill its role as a designated calm and relaxing space. This space has the potential to be so much more with your support.

The pictures below show the room in its current format (after an extensive clear out of the clutter that accumulated over the year!):


Our Vision for this space, is one that is mutli-use and offers a quiet and intimate space to promote the welfare of all students. This space will be open to all students, and provide a tranquil respite from busy university life for all students, especially Neurodivergent students that need a space for sensory-regulation. The welfare room is centrally located nearby John’s Bar and the Bailey Room. Both are popular social spaces, we envision this space being a cozy alternative where students who prefer calmer environments to come together, whilst still being connected to the social hub of college.

Some other use cases for this room include:

  • Continued peer support sessions, with a greater ability to run group sessions, such as our popular “Chat & Craft”
  • Mocktail nights in collaboration with John’s Bar
  • Society meeting space – from F1 Society to Feminist Book Society
  • Movie nights – both planned and improptu!
  • Bookable social space for students
  • A space for minority groups to meet, for example the growing “Coffee, Cake, & Queers” meet-ups
  • A quiet space for students, especially important for those with roomates or noisy housemates!

In order to facilitate the Welfare Room being used for these purposes, there are some physical changes which need to take place. The collage below provides an insight to this vision.


To revitalise this space, the furnishings and decor need updating. A range of use-cases are proposed for this room, for which both comfortable and practical seating options are required to relax, create, and socialise. To maintain a calm and cozy space, soft lighting will be used, with the option of sesnory coloured lighting. Research suggests having a range of seating options, including options to lie down, are benficial to self-regulation and so convertible seating will be avaliable. Finally, storage is a must for the various resources maintained by the Welfare Team. Using closed storage solutions will maintain a calm, clutter-free environment and open up the space.

Ideas for this updgrade have been sourced from the current use of the space, student demands, and research. For example, University of Oxford gives guidance on good practice for welfare rooms, and this infographic produced by the Centre on Disability Studies at the University of Hawi’i summarises the benfits of sensory spaces on campus. To maximise the use of any donations, we will be in continued consultation with College and University student support practitioners.


Funds for Student Participation

We have two main funds for SJCR members to assist their participation in SJCR, college, university and personal development opportunities.


Members Fund

The Members’ Fund is a pot of money set aside in the SJCR budget to help students across Johns with urgent costs that are necessary to allow for their development or welfare. The fund will cover specific costs which students would have been unable to budget for.

Ball Fund

We understand that tickets to Summer and Bailey Ball are a significant cost so this fund enables students who may not otherwise be able to afford a ticket to a Ball to purchase one at a reduced rate. Successful applicants will receive up to 40% off tickets.



How to Give

We are grateful for any donations, whether of time, talent, or funding. Please fill out the form below to contact the SJCR President, who would love to discuss any possible donations with you.

Alternatively, use the following bank details to give funds directly. Please fill out the form, quoting your reference, so we can thank you for your donation and ensure your gift goes to your desired goal.

Reference: DONATION (+ your name/initials)
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account Number: 65563003