St. John’s Common Room is a registered charity (Registered Charity Number 1155621) which operates to promote the interests and welfare of students at St. John’s College, Durham University, during their course of study by representing, supporting and advising students. We are student led, and represent undergraduates and postgraduates from St. John’s College, Durham University. We are composed of St. John’s Common Room, the Middle Common Room and the Cranmer Common Room. The charity operates independently from the St. John’s College.
We provide social, cultural, sporting and recreational activities, and forums for discussions and debate to aid the personal development of our students.
The SJCR is the recognised channel between students and St. John’s College and any external bodies, and is open to all students, subject to a one-off payment at the beginning of study.
The St. John’s Common Room website was designed and developed by Jacky Cao, it is managed by the SJCR Website Officer who is elected by the Tier 1 Executive. The Current SJCR Website Officer is Benjamin Etheridge.